Dear Reader, 

If you enjoy my content it would mean a great deal to me if you could donate to 

The Belmont Cinema Aberdeen 

It is run by a "Non Profit" and is very important to me and fellow film fans in Aberdeen.

It closed in October 2022 and I have missed so many independent and smaller films by not having an independent cinema where I live. 

The sooner It is reopened the better for a myriad of reasons including benefiting the film Industry as a whole and my personal mental health.   

I am in NO WAY affiliated with The Belmont Cinema or The Save The Belmont campaign.

I am just a movie fan who wants the cinema to open again.

Nothing I write or opinions I express as anything to do with The Belmont Cinema or anyone affiliated with the Save the Belmont campaign or anyone directly involved. 


Donate via the link on their website.